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Out of Bounds

Unconstrained  –  96″ x 96″  –  chalk on brick  –  Easter, 2012.

Today is Easter, also known as the Feast of the Resurrection; the holiest day of the year.  Today we celebrate how God likes to color outside the lines, doing things that are beyond the comprehension of our human minds.  In honor of this, I decided to make a piece of art that was unhindered by the boundaries of a frame.  For those of you who don’t get to see my pieces in person, this is the wall on which my art usually hangs at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Longmont, where I have the privilege of being Artist in Residence.

At Easter,
Love can no longer contain itself.

At Easter,
Life can no longer be contained by death.

At Easter,
the walls that divide us crumble.

At Easter,
the barriers between us and God are
torn asunder, and we are invited
to join in the ecstatic dance.

A dance of exuberant,

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