For all of history, humans have looked to the heavens, as well as to the natural world around us, for signs pointing to the Divine. In our Christian tradition we especially notice this at Epiphany-tide, when we re-tell the story of sky-gazers from the East who journeyed far to greet the Christ Child.In our modern day we can see much farther into space, and much deeper into atoms and cells than previous generations, but still we are struck with awe at the immensity and complexity of what we see, and we get a glimpse of God.
The star chart used in this piece is the sky over Longmont where I live, at midnight on January 6th of this year (the feast of Epiphany.)

You can find a chart of the sky like this for any day and time and for where you live on If you want a printable version, you can find that under “color scheme” at the bottom, after you’ve entered your location, time, and date.