Sometimes the Road is Rough 24″ x 36″ House paint, patching compound, eggshells, paper towels, dryer sheet, duplicator master, egg carton, wasp nest paper, bottle cap, fern, sand, paving gravel, on recycled canvas.
The Memory of Trees 42″ x 42″ Hand-marbled paper, cardboard, wax, Colorado earth pigments, shellac, skeleton leaf.
Junk Drawer 30″ x 30″ 212 objects and a drawer
Daily Habit 16″ x 18″ x 5″ Coffee stirs, newspaper, coffee chaff, tea leaves, cocoa, in an old drawer
The Path of Unknowing 18″ x 80″ Construction scrap and pigment, on closet door
This Mortal Coil 27″ x 31 ” Bedspring, oxygen tubing, linen thread, beads, black pepper, oregano and yarrow flowers, paper clips, wire, pyrite, mirrors, dollar bills, frankincense oil, can tops, chain mail