I really had fun making The Blossoming of Silence, partly because I got to work with so many colors at once. The blues, greens and golds of the geometric form were painted on separate pieces of watercolor paper, then cut up and collaged onto the the background, which is warm colors in the center, fading out to the blue around the edge. The texture is made by dropping table salt into the watercolor as it dries, and the little bright spots you see at the intersections are sequins and beads that are sewn on to the paper before the whole thing is coated with encaustic wax. Here is a picture of the under-painting, before construction of the mandala. You can see my studio assistant lying under the table at the right, and how I had the paper taped to an old rocket poster.
This piece was made for the 2013 St. Stephen’s Community Art Show, where it won third place in the mixed media category. Click on the picture at the top to see it larger.